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Illite Clay

Illite is a type of clay mineral that is primarily formed from the weathering and alteration of minerals, such as muscovite and biotite in marine enviroments. Over time, the minerals break down and transform into illite clay, which is a dense and crystalline mineral that is commonly found in soils and sedimentary rocks. Illite is often found in association with minerals, such as quartz, feldspar, and mica.

As these minerals undergo weathering and decomposition, they release potassium ions which combine with other minerals such as aluminum, silicon, and oxygen to form illite clay. The clay particles then settle in sedimentary rocks and can be found in soil deposits.


Illite clays can vary in color, from white and grey to green and brown, depending on the minerals present in the soil where they were formed. Similar to Kaolin clay some rare forms of Illite can come in a rainbow of colors.


French Green Clay,Glacial Oceanic Clay, Brazillian Green Clay