Refund Policy

Thanks for purchasing CLAYPODS!

We offer a refund or expressly shipped replacement/s on all CLAYPODS mishandled by us or our shipping partners. You are eligible for a full reimbursement within 5 days of delivery if your CLAYPODS are damaged, missing or the wrong blend/s.

All our CLAYPODS are durable and should not break, let alone in transit, and we take pride in our delivery service. Although rare, we will try our best to make it right when it happens! Please upload photos so we can provide evidence to shipping partners and prevent this from happening in
the future.

Unfortunately we are unable to offer returns on our hygiene products at the moment, If you are dissatisfied with our blends, please leave a negative review and outline any issues with our formula so wo can continue to perfect them or make new ones!


If you have any additional questions or would like to request a refund under a different circumstance, don't hesitate to contact our Online Chat & Refund Helpdesk.


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