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New Blends Coming Soon!

At CLAYPODS, we believe that every individual's skin is unique and deserves a customized solution. That's why we're constantly working to create countless new blends that harness the benefits of regional clays, natural extracts, and the best ingredients available worldwide.

Our Blends

Our expertise in cosmetic clays ensures that every mask is made with the highest quality ingredients for a specific purpose. Keep an eye out for more exciting blends from us in the future!


Dead Sea



Green Tea

We are dedicated to sourcing the finest clays from around the world!

Check some out!


At CLAYPODS, we aim to create blends suitable for all skin types. However if you have specific skin allergies, or a dermatologic issue you want to treat, it is important to carefully review the ingredients in each blend below; including extracts, ingredients, and the type of clay used, to figure out what's best for you!

Please note CLAYPODS makes a continuous effort to select ingredients free from allergens. However, nobody's skin is the same!

All Ingredients & All Extracts