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Smecitite Clay

Smectite is a type of clay mineral primarily formed from the weathering of volcanic ash or other sedimentary sources. The volcanic ash or sediment is deposited in layers and over time, it becomes compacted and undergoes chemical changes due to minerals in the region / erruption.

While mostly formed through a process of alteration of volcanic glass, feldspars, mafic silicates, and other aluminosilicate minerals. They can also form through direct precipitation from solution. In addition, soil smectite can form from clay mineral precursors such as illite, chlorite, and vermiculite, as well as from disordered phases like imogolite and allophane.


Smectite clays can be found in a range of earthy colors, including white, brown, yellow, green, pink, black, and red, depending on their mineral composition and the presence of other impurities.


French Green Clay,Glacial Oceanic Clay, Brazillian Green Clay