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Original Blends

Any Original Blend is simply a formula created by CLAYPODS! We harness the benefits of regional claysnatural extracts, and the best ingredients available worldwide!

When creating a new blend we start with a specific process.

1) Active Ingredient

Firstly, we pick our main active ingredient.

2) Regional Clay

Secondly, we pair it with a regional clay that emphasizes our active ingredients beneficial properties

3) Natural Extracts

Thirdly, we add natural extracts that further enhance the purpose of the specific clay blend derived from the main active ingredient.

4) Ingredients

Lastly, we add all the essentials, which is why you may see some ingredients repeat over blends.


After we pick our main active ingredient, pair it with a clay, add loads more extracts and ingredients to enhance its properties; we will finally have a blend curated for a specific ailment and a solution ready for testing!

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Special Blends

In the future, we plan to partner with multiple skincare brands and feature their specialised clay mask blends in our CLAYPODS! so you have easy access to solutions you may already use on a daily basis!

On rare occasions, we will deviate from this process, such as our Dead Sea Mask which features no primary active ingredient.