boxes of clay pods with one in front, pink background

Our Box

Our packaging containing your custom routine is made from:

#21 PAP: This specific marking applies to products made of mixed paper or flat cardboard commonly found in eco-conscious packaging.

It is a highly recyclable material that can be collected with other paper, plastics, and cardboard materials.

Put it in the recycling bin.

Turmeric, Eggplant, and Avocado clay pod mud masks

Our Pods

Our pods containing your custom blends are made from:

#1 PET: This type of plastic is commonly found in disposable food and drink containers including: water bottles, pop bottles, prepared/frozen food containers. 

It is very common, easy to recycle, and is accepted by nearly all municipal recycling programs.

Put them in the recycling bin.

3 boxes of clay pods with mud mask brushes on a pink background

Our Brushes

The disposable brushes that come included in each box are made from:

#2 HDPE: HDPE plastic is the stiff plastic used to make milk jugs, detergent and oil bottles, toys, and some plastic bags.

It is the most commonly recycled plastic and is considered one of the safest forms of plastic to use & recycle.

Put them in the recycling bin.

While recycling is important across the globe, different nations have varying levels of success when it comes to waste management and recycling efforts. Some countries have developed more advanced recycling infrastructure and technology, making it easier to efficiently recycle materials and reduce waste. On the other hand, some nations still struggle with limited resources and inadequate waste management systems.

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